Tips & Tricks
This is a dynamic post where I'm keeping notes I might find useful in the future.
Embedding Gists - Great way to include code snippets in a post. The short answer is to create a public gist and then link to it from within Evernote via a embed that looks like this, but with your own gist URL:
Update (January, 2019): Now that properly supports the "code block" format that's native to Evernote, this should be less of an issue.
Creating Markdown Posts in Evernote - Another easy way to include code snippets in a post. Just add the "markdown" tag to your post in Evernote, and use the three-back-ticks markup to indicate a code block. The code snippet will end up looking something like this in Evernote:
Embedding Tweets - Inside square brackets, write "twitter url="", and get something like this:
.@MelBrooks, please tell me you're working on a musical featuring Twitler. Bring your life's work to bear on Hair Fuhrer!
— Mark McClelland (@markproxy) March 13, 2017
Embedding New York Times articles - Inside square brackets, use nytimes embed like this:
Gives you embedded content like this: