How to Save a Local Copy of Your Kindle Notes and Highlights
While reading this excellent article on the role of note-taking in the creative process, and how to use (and not to use) Evernote, I came across an important new tool in my own note-taking arsenal: Bookcision.
When I highlight and take notes in my Amazon Kindle ebooks, I do it because my reading has paid off: I've made some sort of personal discovery, and I want to be able to get back to it. Yet I almost never do go back. The highlights and notes remain trapped in the world of that Kindle book. Amazon provides a pretty nice web interface for viewing your highlights and notes, but -- as with nearly all cloud data -- there's no guarantee that all your data will live on and remain accessible to you. Besides, most of the value of notes is lost when they reside in a silo, where you're unlikely to come across them again. If you really want those notes and highlights to pay off, you need to revisit them. They need to resurface in search results, or come to your attention when you're browsing related (or unrelated) notes. This is a tool like Evernote, OneNote, or DevonThink really shines. And Bookcision gives you a pretty easy way to bring the fruits of your Kindle note-taking into the world of your favorite note storage tool.