How to Open Harvest Time Tracker For Windows From the Command Line

The Short Answer
explorer.exe shell:AppsFolder\IridescoLLC.HarvestTimeTrackerBeta_vh6j6ehnc7zkt!IridescoLLC.HarvestTimeTrackerBeta


Opening Windows Modern apps from the command-line is not at all straightforward. I have a script of apps I want to open at the start of a workday, and one of them is the Harvest desktop application for Windows.

Following the steps I laid out in How to Open a Windows Modern UWP App From the Command Line, I determined the three things needed to assemble the shell command to open Harvest from the command-line (or from a launcher like SlickRun).

Package Name: IridescoLLC.HarvestTimeTrackerBeta
Publisher ID: vh6j6ehnc7zkt
App ID: IridescoLLC.HarvestTimeTrackerBeta

Put these together and you get the shell command:

And then it's just a matter of passing this shell command as a parameter to explorer.exe:
explorer.exe shell:AppsFolder\IridescoLLC.HarvestTimeTrackerBeta_vh6j6ehnc7zkt!IridescoLLC.HarvestTimeTrackerBeta

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