Amazon KDP $100 Threshold Not Cumulative Across Currencies

Quick note to authors who have published on Amazon KDP: be sure to set up EFT! If you don't, you could be missing out on royalties from foreign marketplaces.
Why Am I Not Being Paid For All Sales in All Amazon Marketplaces?
When you set up an Amazon KDP account, payments are received via paper check by default, and Amazon is very clear to tell you that you won't be paid until your royalties exceed their $100 threshold. This way, they can avoid the expense of mailing out checks for small amounts every month. What I didn't realize, however, is that the $100 threshold is per marketplace. Furthermore, the threshold differs by currency. This means that your sales in Canada, for example, would have to exceed 100 Canadian dollars before you receive a paper check from Amazon for your Canadian royalties.
However, if you set up your Amazon KDP account to use EFT, there is no threshold. "Sixty (60) days after the calendar month during which applicable sales occur", you will automatically receive an electronic funds-transfer, directly into your bank account. For some foreign transactions, your bank may apply fees... but if you don't use EFT, you'll probably never receive any royalties for book sales in low-volume marketplaces.
How Much Money Am I Missing Out On?
Amazon has a lot of marketplaces around the world. On my KDP account page, I see thirteen. In theory, you could have unpaid royalties accumulating in all of them. When I switched from paper check to EFT, I immediately received about $130 in previously unpaid royalties from foreign marketplaces -- in addition to the US royalties that hadn't hit the $100 threshold yet. Not a huge amount of money, but well worth the few minutes it took for me to set up EFT on the Amazon KDP website. If you have higher sales volume in other marketplaces, you could easily have hundreds of dollars of unpaid royalties.
How Do I Set Up EFT?
  1. Log in to Amazon KDP
  2. Click the account link at the top of the page to view your account
  3. Scroll down to "Your Royalty Payments"
  4. Follow the instructions -- it should be as easy as entering your bank's name, account number, routing number.

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