Alternative to Amazon and iTunes for Buying MP3s

The quick answer: 7digital

Searching for websites where I can buy and download DRM-free MP3s -- sites other than Amazon and iTunes -- Google presented me with a lot of old or irrelevant options. I like owning my music, instead of relying on subscription services. I figured I'd immediately get article after article listing alternatives. Instead, I had a remarkably hard time finding a good option. There are a lot of sites that offer music only by independent artists, but I want to be able to buy MP3s from major-label releases. Basically, I want the Amazon Digital experience, without supporting a giant corporation.

So far, the best option I've found in the US is 7digital. Their search capabilities are decent. You can buy individual tracks. They keep a history of your past purchases, so you can download tracks again if you need to replace a lost download or switch to a different audio format. And they offer high-quality MP3s (320 kbps) and FLAC.

Small Independent Alternatives

Know of a better option? Let me know in the comments below.