6 Important Things You Should Know About How Your Brain Learns

Just found this article via GetPrismatic: 6 Important Things You Should Know About How Your Brain Learns. Good things to keep in mind when you're learning something new. And if you ain't learnin', you ain't livin'.
I've noticed that social people like my wife, Nancy, have a leg up when it comes to memory. She thinks of nearly everything as something she will be teaching, because she gets so excited about sharing what she has learned. This also has the added benefit that she links new information to people with whom she should share it, so there's constant interleaving.
She and I also have all sorts of links that we share, sometimes to the point that I can't remember something, but I know she knows it. Or vice versa. Having a long-term partner is like getting a brain extension.

Update, July 6, 2023: Four simple ways to increase the odds of remembering a thing:
  • Say it aloud
  • Dwell on it for 40 seconds: repeat it, think about its impact, rehearse its application, imagine teaching it to someone when you next see them
  • Predict whether you will remember it
  • Sleep on it: contemplate it before going to sleep, then review it in the morning